ISSA Residential Digital Membership Credly Badge
You've started your house cleaning business. Now what? ISSA Residential has ALL the information you need to run a successful home cleaning business.
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ISSA Residential Digital Membership Credly Badge

Introducing ISSA Residential’s Digital Membership Badge

ISSA Residential’s Digital Membership Badge is a an innovative and more visible way to showcase your mark of excellence. Digital badges are secure, web-enabled credentials containing verified information about your professional status.


We believe this digital badge will further enhance your professional standing and achievements. So, start using them today to develop your career and expand your professional network. Access my digital badge now.




Acquiring your digital badge is effortless. First, you’ll receive an email notifying you to claim your badge at our partner’s website. Click the link in that email and create an account on the Acclaim site. Once you’ve created your account, it’s time to claim your badge and start sharing!




We are committed to providing you with the tools necessary to achieve your professional goals and we understand that communicating your credentials in an ever-expanding online marketplace can be challenging.


That is why we have partnered with Credly to provide you with a digital version of your credentials. Digital badges can be used in email signatures or digital resumes, and on social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. This digital image contains verified metadata that describes your qualifications and the process required to earn them.