Where Have All the Good Men Gone?
You've started your house cleaning business. Now what? ISSA Residential has ALL the information you need to run a successful home cleaning business.
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Where Have All the Good Men Gone?

09 Dec Where Have All the Good Men Gone?

heroRead the title and you are thinking I am out hunting Mr. Right? You would really think that if I followed this line up with “And where are all the Gods?”

All of us at some point are looking for something – not necessarily good men or gods. Maybe it’s a new purse or a great deal on an oil change. I wasted too much time lately looking for “joggers” for my son. (I call them sweatpants but what do I do know, I am just a parent.) There was a certain pair of joggers that he had to have so I began my journey searching for said pants.

That being said, that is five hours I am not getting back. That is five hours I desperately needed for something else. Time is probably my most precious commodity right now. It’s a luxury that always seems to be out of reach. I want time to do more things with my family than just drive them to and from practice. I want time to enjoy reading a book with them on a lazy afternoon and not squabble over their latest essay. I want time to cook a huge family feast and spend time talking and laughing with my family as we eat. But we don’t actually ENJOY enough of our time today. We hurry from one activity to the next hoping with each to catch up with everything on our “to do” list and possibly find the time to relax or at least sit down for a moment.

I will admit one thing that gets lost in all of this is my house. So while I may not need a hero, what I do need is a cleaner. I need someone to come in my house and clean it the way that I would. Taking time to clean the windows and the window sills in every bedroom because they collect so much dust over the winter. I need someone to scour the bathrooms and eliminate the many germs and messes that have made their homes in mine. Spring is a wonderful to open the windows and let the sun in – I just don’t want to shed light on my areas of neglect.

Enter ARCSI. Who is ARCSI? We are the Association of Residential Cleaning Services International, aka ARCSI. Our members are professionals at what they do – they clean your house. But they do much more than that. You can trust that the cleaners coming into your home are insured, trained and completely competent to care for your home and your personal belongings. They will provide a quality and professional clean that is structured to meet your needs.

In life, you learn the hard way that you get what you pay for. So if you want to cut corners and hire someone for the cheapest price to come and clean your house, don’t be surprised if the cleaning materials they use aren’t the best products on the market. And if they break something, guess who will cover the cost. When you hire a professional cleaner, you get just that – a professional clean. They will give you back some precious time that you can spend with your friends and family. Come to think of it, maybe they are heroes?