All-New and Affordable ISSA Employee Benefits Program
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All-New and Affordable ISSA Employee Benefits Program

16 Jan All-New and Affordable ISSA Employee Benefits Program

Among the greatest challenges facing small business owners today is attracting and retaining talented and reliable workers. One factor that can profoundly influence a small company’s competitive position in the employment market is its employee benefits package. A company that offers meaningful employee benefits can emerge as the “employer of choice” for many job candidates.

Heading the list of must-have benefits is typically medical insurance, but many prospective employees highly value retirement plans, disability insurance and more. When a company gives employees the benefits they care about, they tend to be more satisfied, miss fewer workdays, be less likely to quit, and be more committed to the company’s mission and goals.

For many small business owners, attractive employee benefits can be out of reach financially. Going without solid employee benefits may boost the bottom line in the short run, but it’s a penny-wise philosophy that can strangle a business’s chance for long-term success.

Fortunately for ISSA members, the all-new ISSA Employee Benefits Program features a comprehensive portfolio of options designed exclusively to help professional cleaning industry employers pick and choose important employee benefits at special, deeply discounted ISSA rates.

Unveiled at ISSA Show North America 2019 in Las Vegas, Nev., the ISSA Employee Benefits Program is for ISSA members only and offers flexible, cost-competitive, a la carte solutions from trusted carriers and service providers – all thoroughly vetted, negotiated, and approved by ISSA.

  • Group medical insurance (with opportunities for employers to recoup premium payments!)
  • Options for dental, vision, mental health, and travel insurance
  • Virtual telemedicine services
  • Term life insurance
  • Short- and long-term disability insurance
  • Accident and indemnity insurance

Other unique components of the ISSA Employee Benefits Program include a Federal Student Loan Relief Service, a 401(K) plan builder with deeply discounted fees, and MetLaw Legal Representation through which employers and employees alike can consult with licensed attorneys about their rights and responsibilities, explore options, and collaborate on local referrals and recommended courses of action for personal as well as professional issues.

ISSA members who subscribe to at least one program in the ISSA Employee Benefits Program collection automatically receive access to the new ISSA HR360 Hotline and Library. With a toll-free phone call to the ISSA HR360 Hotline, employers can connect with certified and experienced HR professionals who can provide counsel and assistance with HR questions and dilemmas, ranging from federal compliance and state employment law to leaves of absence, discipline and terminations. In the ISSA HR360 Library, a related suite of online resources makes information and answers available around-the-clock, including interactive HR tools, full compliance training modules, practical downloadable materials such as employee forms and handbook templates, and more.

For complete information about the ISSA Employee Benefits Program, click here, email [email protected] or call 847-982-3455. Participation is strictly limited to ISSA member companies and their employees.